Xtrac Laser Treatment in Boca Raton
For Psoriasis, Vitiligo and Eczema
With XTRAC® Excimer Laser treatments, psoriasis patients can say goodbye to the red, dry patches of scaly, thickened skin. The XTRAC laser offers new hope to the 7.5 million Americans suffering from this embarrassing and socially isolating disease. Broad coverage of the XTRAC treatments for psoriasis by Medicare and all major insurance companies now provides greater access to care for psoriasis sufferers who have spent their lives covering up the embarrassing symptoms of psoriasis.
The XTRAC laser is the only clinically proven, FDA-cleared dermatology excimer laser with independent safety and quality certifications. It provides targeted phototherapy treatment for psoriasis, offering safe, effective and lasting results. Depending on the extent and severity of the patient’s psoriasis, procedures often requires only about five minutes. Noticeable improvements are usually seen within three or four treatments with many patients seeing 75 percent or more improvement in as few as six to 10 treatments and average remission periods lasting 4-6 months, and often longer. The laser is effective even in areas that are difficult to treat, such as elbows, knees and the scalp.
XTRAC Laser Is a Safe and Effective Way to Treat Skin Disorders
XTRAC Laser treatments have been successful with psoriasis that has spread across as much as 20 percent of body surface area.
What makes the XTRAC laser so important in relieving psoriasis is that it avoids the often dangerous consequences of other treatment approaches, such as topical steroids, full-body UVB exposure, systemic medications or biologics. Those techniques may produce a range of effects, from premature aging of healthy skin to the risk of malignancies and tuberculosis. The safe and effective XTRAC has not been associated with any of those kinds of side effects, because the XTRAC excimer laser uses a precisely focused beam of ultraviolet light only on the affected skin area, avoiding exposure to healthy skin.
The excimer laser is proving to be the most effective treatment for vitiligo, at least for dark-skinned patients who are afflicted with the disease on their faces. While the excimer laser also improves the condition for patients with vitiligo of the hands and feet, as well as those with light skin, changes are seen less quickly than on the faces of dark-skinned patients.
Some dermatologists use high-dose systemic steroids to treat patients with vitiligo, which does temporarily result in dramatic repigmentation. However, patients can’t stay on steroids forever because of the many side effects, and when the treatment ends, their vitiligo comes back with a vengeance.